Malnutrition among our Shield City children with cerebral palsy is real. 12-year-old Kosar has cerebral palsy and struggles to keep weight on because the condition makes it very difficult for her to swallow. With donor support, we got in a new order of our malnutrition mix this month and passed it out for children like Kosar.

Our children with various types of cerebral palsy need to be eating a lot of nutritious food. Their challenges with swallowing can make it hard for them to have proper nutritional intake. The locally made nutritional mix we use at Shield City is an amazing source of nutrition that can easily be made by mothers into a drink. It's called Tom Brown and is made in Nigeria from soy beans, groundnut, guinea corn, maize, millet, fish powder and local spices.
Kosar's mother will blend up the mix and have an easier time helping her daughter get the nutrients she needs to grow.
We have an ongoing drive to buy more malnutrition supplement for $25, as our center has more than 5 children with cerebral palsy that we are trying to help gain some weight. $25 can supply one child with malnutrition mix for several months.